WASTOIDS is a pop cult dedicated to the thrill of the weird. Microdose podcast episodes and videos at WASTOIDS.com. Call us with your strangest story any time at 1-877-WASTOIDS.
Beneath his hilarious persona, Chris Farren conceals the heart of a romantic. On his latest record album Doom Singer (Polyvinyl Records) the former Fake Problems singer weds massive riffs with intimate and funny confessions. Tune into Hotline as he answers 1-877-WASTOIDS calls about Bruce Springsteen’s son and why one caller’s girlfriends always dump him after Chris’ gigs.
Beneath his hilarious persona, Chris Farren conceals the heart of a romantic. On his latest record album Doom Singer (Polyvinyl Records) the former Fake Problems singer weds massive riffs with intimate and funny confessions. Tune into Hotline as he answers 1-877-WASTOIDS calls about Bruce Springsteen’s son and why one caller’s girlfriends always dump him after Chris’ gigs.
#ChrisFarren #Doomsinger #WASTOIDS
Call us anytime at 1-877-WASTOIDS.
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